Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Week 3: Neography

Neography is when people make their own maps using an existing toolkit. The lab describes neography as having three distinct parts in its definition. The first is sharing location information with friends and visitors. The second is helping shape context, and the third is conveying understanding through knowledge of place. Even the lab acknowledges that the idea of people creating their own maps is fun. People can have personalized and creative ways to express different regions and what they offer. However the idea of Neography has potential pitfalls.

The first aspect of geography described is mostly positive. By people sharing location information with friends and visitors, people learn about other places. This could increase tourism to various parts of the world. However there are some pitfalls within this aspect. People are subjective and the way they convey a location on a personalized map may not encompass an entire location or represent it a certain way. Another potential hazard of this, is physical danger of people actually knowing where you are all the time. People could stalk individuals, or break into their homes if they know they are away.

The second aspect has more potential pitfalls. Maps are looked at as a source of safe information. People expect information on maps to be valid. Neography seems like it would be the Wikepedia of maps. If everyone has access to mapping a location, the context of a place could be very biased or misrepresented. People would use them, and enjoy them as resources, but their validity would be questionable.

The third idea which is that neography could expand individuals knowledge of place also has potential and pitfall. If people are interested in a certain subject matter, then they are more likely to look at a map. For example, someone who loves the show Survivor may not have looked at a map, but since the neography below is directly geared toward their interest they may examine the map and gain a better understanding of place. The pitfall is that I made this map. I am new to this material and there could be flaws in the map if they are looking for exact coordinates or locations. Neography expands knowledge of place, but there could be flaws or bias in these personalized maps.

Below I have used neography to create my own map of the different locations where the American show Survivor has been filmed.

View Survivor Locations in a larger map

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