Thursday, April 5, 2012

If Geographic Size Corresponded to GDP

This is a map from the World Mapper website at This map shows the world, defining each countries not by their actual geographic size, but by their economic size or GDP. The map shows how much wealth is concentrated in certain countries, and many regions are larger in terms of Gross Domestic Product than their actual square miles. This map shows that the global market is dominated by the United States, Western Europe, and Japan. One interesting feature of this map is how the Northern Hemisphere dominates the world in Gross Domestic Product. Africa is so large in terms of actual landmass, but it is barely on this map. One thing this map does make me think how much longer these sizes will stay the same. Africa is small now on this map, but with a lack of social conflict and health issues, along with some technology and the continent would have much stronger GDP potential. Developing countries may catch up to more advanced countries and the United States could loose some of the power it has long held. Something else that is interesting about this map is trying to imagine the world if the GDP was distributed more evenly. As a citizen of one of the wealthiest countries, if the GDP of the United States were to shrink I would miss luxuries I take for granted while living in a high grossing country. This map is important because the large countries are often those that make decisions in global conferences. The map shows how much power is related to wealth.

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